Every Sunday Dottie’s serves up Domingo Brunch, delicious food and live music.
This Sunday Dottie’s welcomes new to Dottie’s, Michael Aaron.
Inspired by music icons from past decades, Michael Aaron projects a familiar, but new sound, while bringing back the lyrical tellings of the classic American singer-songwriter.
Live music 10am-12pm our full menu available and coffee bar open till closing at 2.
We are open: Monday, 7am-2pm Tuesday, 7am - 2pm and 4PM - 9pm Wednesday-Friday, 7am-9pm Saturday, 8am-9pm Sunday, 8am-2pm
Dottie’s Coffee Lounge_Dorothy's Estaminet 438/444 North St., Pittsfield
1 413 443 1792 www.dottiescoffeelounge.com Find Dottie’s on Facebook